Pediatric Health Care Focus: Childhood Tooth Brushing

If you are looking to enhance the oral health of your child, you should recall the proper mechanics of brushing. In their early years, your children will be too young to brush their own teeth, or even understand what brushing is for. However, as long as you are persistent in brushing their teeth twice daily, it will be burned into... read more »

The Basics of Brushing for Infants and Young Children

The basics of brushing for infants and young children is up to you. Your children cannot take care of their teeth, so you must do it for them. From the time their first tooth grows in and every day until they are old enough to accomplish the task themselves, you must be there to keep their teeth safe and clean.... read more »

Combatting the Effects of Teething in Toddlers

Has your child begun to show signs that they are teething? If so, it is crucial to help them deal with the sometimes-painful condition. Teething is entirely natural in all children, as it is merely the process of teeth sprouting up above the gum line. However, it can often cause discomfort and pain for the child, so various treatment services... read more »

Thumb-Sucking Can Be Detrimental to Your Child’s Oral Health

Does your child continually suck their thumbs causing you to worry about the long-term effects this may have on their teeth? The truth is that sucking thumbs can affect a child’s oral health, so you must take the necessary steps to help them recover. Thumb-sucking can be detrimental to your child’s oral health. Not only can it stunt the growth... read more »

The One and Only Wonderful, Fantastic, Amazing, Spectacular Pediatrics Quiz!

Pediatric dentistry is dentistry designed for young children and infants. Pediatric dentists not only must complete their entire dental school training but also complete an additional 2-3 years of specialized training. However, the task of taking care of a child’s mouth ultimately depends on the caregiver. Do you know how to care for your child’s oral health? Take the quiz... read more »

Teething Remedies for Your Children

When your child is born, they already have many of their baby teeth. However, none of the teeth have broken the surface of the gums yet, which is referred to as a tooth eruption. The first tooth eruption typically takes place between the age of 6 to 10 months. Sadly, the process can cause the child discomfort, known as teething.... read more »